Monday, March 10, 2008

Drive Thru Needed?

I figured out that I'm working (so called because I am collecting a paycheck not because of call volume) 200 of 240 hours not including commute time. I miss home. The plus is that I have 7 1/2 days off starting Wednesday afternoon!

On Saturday afternoon we had another knock at the door. By now I realize that knocks on the door are usually from people that should have called 911. The woman at the door informed us that she had a friend in the car that couldn't breathe. We grabbed our equipment and walked over to the car. Turns out that the man used to be a heavy smoker and had emphysema. The last couple of days he had had a cold and his breathing was becoming more labored. By the time that he decided to seek for help he could only talk in 3 to 4 word gasps. We called for an ambulance and started him on a breathing treatment. I plugged in a line and the ambulance showed up. Turns out they were on their way back from dropping another patient of at Desert Regional Medical Center when they got this call so they were close. I'm still amazed that people don't use the 911 system in this community. Maybe we should put in a drive up window.