Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The proper way to start an IV in an ambulance

It's pretty crowded in the back of an ambulance when you have a patient in there. Apparently, you can't even stick your feet straight out in front of you because the gurney is in the way. So, this can cause some problems when said cramped space is also bouncy because you're driving down the road and you're trying to poke a big needle into someone. Here is the proper technique to getting the needle in the vein, without missing or going too far.

1 - Prepare the arm to be stuck.
2 - With the free hand, find the vein that's gonna get poked.
3 - Stand up and balance yourself leaning the hand that is holding the needle against the far side of the ambulance.
4 - Open the needle.
5 - Watch out the front of the ambulance for a stretch of road that Dan might drive smoothly on.
6 - Jab quickly! And hopefully, accurately!
7 - Repeat as needed.

- Katie

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