Friday, June 17, 2011

Good Samaritan

The call came in just after lunch, interrupting what should have been our siesta time. Once we were out of the barn the dispatcher told us that we were headed for a 40 year old male, ALOC.

We pulled into the upscale neighborhood we found a police cruiser next to a Ford Bronco. I jumped off the truck and headed over to the cop to find out what was going on. He informed me that the driver had found my patient laying on the side of the freeway. Much like the Good Samaritan in the bible the man had given the sick man a ride and had tried to find his house. Unfortunately the patient passed out before getting home.

As I walked up to the SUV I found a very heavy set man in the passenger seat barely managing to maintain his airway. He wreaked of alcohol. I did a quick assessment making sure that he was altered because of the booze and not because of some other underlining medical condition. I squeezed in and started an IV on the guy just before AMR showed up.

I think toward the end there the Good Samaritan was mostly just hoping to get the guy out of his vehicle before he threw up.

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