Sunday, August 17, 2008


We received an interesting phone call from Comm Center. The dispatcher told us that a guy called in an stated that he had ingested some bleach. He also said that he felt embarrassed and then he hung up. The dispatcher gave us the address over the phone and said that he'd tone out MBA and the sheriffs department as well. Our question was why didn't you just tone us out too?! As we arrived on scene the dispatcher said that we should stage until the SO arrives. A little late! The patient was standing in his doorway looking at us. Good thing he wasn't a psycho.

The patients' story goes something like this. He came home (maybe from work???) and discovered that his feet smelled really bad. He decided to take a bath and scrub his feet with bleach. I think that there was alcohol involved at some point in this story. He then said that he fell asleep in the tub. When he woke up he was thirsty so he grabbed the cup and took a swig....of bleach. The only complaint that he had was a bad aftertaste. We checked him out and then signed him out AMA.


  1. I wonder if scrubbing your feet with bleach actually does eliminate the odor. We should have Aaron give it a shot and see what happens.

  2. My firefighter got close enough for a whiff and they still stunk pretty bad.
