The Honda Accord and Civic that didn't fair so well. The plywood wall in the background was set up after the fire so as to be able to secure the house.

Total roof collapse. I set up to make entry into the front door right on the other side of that wall (back a few feet from it).

The view from the dining room. There used to be a wall there separating the dining room and the garage.

The kitchen was small.

The fridge was knocked over by the deck gun.

This wall was ablaze when I entered the room. With just a small amount of water it was extinguished.

The fire had spread to the attic and had been burning there for a while but the deck gun managed to put it out.

These are Gusset plates. In order to save money they are used instead of nails to keep the structural members together. Unfortunately they fail really fast when they come in contact with flame. Modern, cheaper construction methods have made firefighting more dangerous.

This Gusset plate didn't stand a chance.

A better view of the attic.

The view toward the living room from the dining room.

The Master bedroom. All this damage was from smoke (we pulled the ceiling down to check if the fire was burning in the attic above this room).

Still in the master bedroom. A lot of the damage to this side of the house and the contents of the room could have been prevented if the tenets had shut the doors after exiting.

The second bedroom.

The third bedroom.

This is the side of the garage. The neighbors were fortunate that we got there when we did. The house next door didn't even have the pain peeling.

The view from where the first in engine was parked.

The garage collapsed as one of our captains was doing his 360 degree size up and this debris almost got him.
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