Monday, November 7, 2011

Repeat Customers

Over the last couple of shifts we've responded back to several of the patients that we saw a month ago (not always for the same problem). In the cases of a couple of the febrile kids that had seizures I'm happy to report that none of the parents were in a panic and no one tossed their kids to me. This is a major improvement.

A couple of the other calls involved people with major medical issues. You can tell that there is a sigh of relief when their local firefighters can walk in and call them by name. And that they know the history of what's going on.

On the other hand, I find that I have to be more vigilant in my assessment when I know the patient. Lest I assume something that may not be true. And while I hope that these patients won't have the need to call me again, I know it's only a matter of time.

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