Saturday, November 3, 2007

Fire in apartment 114

We were sitting at our station eating lunch when the call went out for a fire alarm in an apartment building. Usually we would not listen to the tactical channel but this time I thought there might be something interesting. The first engine on scene made entry (broke in the door) and found food burning on the stove. Just after that they found a woman unconscious in the next room. We immediately were dispatched to the call. By the time we arrived TFD had the patient outside on the grass. It turns out that she had just been drinking a lot and decided to cook at the same time. The patient passed out and left the food on the stove. She was very lucky to have working smoke detector. morale of the story is if you are going to drink yourself into a stupor don't put something on the stove!


  1. Wow, I guess I read this just in time.

  2. your such a kill joy. i was going to drink myself into a gourmet stupor tonight. ....guess I'll just drink at the gun range.
