Tuesday, November 20, 2007

LHP 2.1

We got the call to respond as a second unit in for a traffic collision. When we got there we found a man, 23, a woman, 19, and their 3 month old boy standing on the side of the road. The woman was complaining of left wrist pain. The man was complaining of neck pain and the baby was just fine. We gave her an ice pack and placed him in a cervical collar and onto a backboard. We then transported all three to the hospital. It's a challenge to get all the paperwork done for three people in the time that you normally get for one.

Bonus points go to the person that figures out the meaning behind the title of this post.

1 comment:

  1. LHP 2.1 refers to a local lawyer that used to advertise on TV in the 80's with the slogan "Larry H. Parker got me 2.1 million". We now use this in EMS to warn each other that this traffic accident(usually) may be a bogus call headed for a law suit.
