A couple of Fridays ago we got a phone call at the station from one of our explorers. He said that there was a vehicle fire up on the grade. We quickly got dressed and headed that direction. When we informed dispatch of what we were up to they told us that Medic Engine 121 was on scene requesting our assistance. This perked up our interest since the only reasons that we could come up with where they would ask for our help were not good (fire into the brush, a large truck on fire, person trapped in a burning vehicle etc). When we arrived on scene we saw a small SUV with the engine compartment and the front of the passenger compartment involved. We also noticed Medic Ambulance 121 was on scene but that Medic Engine 121 was not. We pulled a line and started putting the fire out. The hood did not want to open even with the irons so I grabbed the rotary saw and opened the engine compartment with a shower of sparks. Turns out that 121 had a structure fire earlier in the day and then got busy with other calls. They never refilled the engine after the first fire so they ran out of water. When we arrived on scene they were off filling their tank. It was nice to put out their fire for them. Then when we were getting ready to clean up when we got dispatched to the report of another fire so we let 121 clean up while we got to go play. It turned out to be two different illegal buns. Not much fun but it beats waiting around for a tow truck.

The captain from 121 and Division Chief 5202 look on at our handy work.
Grant Graffius and I putting the finishing touches on the vehicle fire.
Me getting some.
This is a costly engine repair.
Me, again.
Our illegal burn. Boring, but better than waiting on a tow truck.
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