I find it interesting how groups of people stick together. We had just finished another call where the patient had signed out AMA. As we were pulling away the tones went off again. We immediately lit it up and headed for one of our shopping centers. AMR had been facing the other direction so we had a slight advantage but they were able to catch up and arrive just behind us. As we arrived we noticed a homeless man that was sitting in the middle of the parking lot bleeding from the nose. He had two other homeless there with him. According to the "friends" our patient had been punched in the face. We asked if they knew who did it and they clammed up. I guess they didn't want to betray another homeless person. We told them that we juat wanted to make sure that person was no longer around for our own safety. About that time PD showed up and took both "friends" aside to talk to them. Since our patient suffered trauma and was not willing to talk to us he got placed in full spinal precautions. He wasn't too happy with that but he still refused to talk to us.

Some of what we use when we place someone in full spinal precautions. They end up looking like this. It's not comfortable.
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