Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2010 LODD's

There were a total of 87 Line Of duty Deaths in 2010. Although I am very reluctant to call two of them LODDs. You can read why here and here.

Here are a few of the statistics according to the USFA:

51 were Volunteer, 25 were career, 1 was full time wildland, and 1 was paid-call.

18 were at the station, 17 were at a fire, 16 were responding to a call, 6 were training, 4 were at non-fire calls, 1 was returning from a call and 1 was categorized other.

Nature of Fatal Injury: 43 Heart Attack, 20 Trauma, 5 Other, 4 Asphyxiation, 2 CVA, 1 Crushed, 1 Burns,  1 Heat Exhaustion, 1 Unknown.

Age of Firefighter When the Fatal Injury Was Sustained: 2 - Under 21, 5 - 21 to 25, 4 - 26 to 30, 10 - 31 to 40, 14 - 41 to 50, 20 - 51 to 60, 23 - 61 and Over

Firefighter Fatalities by State by Location of Fire Service Organization:
3 Arkansas
2 Arizona
3 California
4 Connecticut
1 Delaware
1 Georgia
1 Iowa
1 Idaho
7 Illinois
3 Indiana
5 Kansas
2 Kentucky
2 Massachusetts
1 Maine
2 Missouri
1 Mississippi
3 North Carolina
1 New Jersey
8 New York
8 Ohio
1 Oklahoma
7 Pennsylvania
2 South Carolina
2 Texas
3 Virginia
1 Vermont
1 Washington
1 Wisconsin
1 West Virginia

My heart and prayers go out to the family member of my brothers and sisters that paid the ultimate price. To those of you still serving, be safe.


  1. Heartbreaking. Thank you for serving doesn't seem enough.

  2. That's awful! Stay safe my friend.


  3. WOW!! I didn't realize we lost so many last year. That's why I pray for my hubby's safety every single day. Be safe out there!!
