Friday, January 21, 2011

Calm Mom

It was just before 2130 hours when we were toned out for my third OB/Gyn call in just as many shifts.

We arrived on scene to find a woman in her mid 30's sitting in a bathroom that was covered in blood. She told me that she had had a child 8 days prior via c-section. She had been discharged from the hospital 3 days after that and had had no complications until she woke up from her nap. She discovered that she was bleeding rather seriously and wasn't sure what to do.

When we arrived she was on the phone talking with an RN (assumption on my part) that was asking some inane questions. I finally had to take the phone from her and told the RN we had it under control.

My patient wasn't feeling any pain, weakness, lightheaded, or nausea. She was just bleeding. The patient refused any treatment but did consent to being taken to the hospital. Thankfully she was very mellow through the entire ordeal. The situation could have played out much differently.