This is Brush Engine 461. Designed to go off road so that it can quickly attack a brush fire and extinguish it before it gets out of hand. It has a pump and a 500 gallon water tank.

This is Medic Engine 461. We still need to get new decals for the side that indicate that there is a paramedic on board. I usually sit on this side of the engine in the rear seat.

Another shot of Medic Engine 461 from on top of Engine 462. Highway 62 is in the background.

This is Engine 462. It used to be a logging truck. The hood of the truck is about 6 feet 6 inches off the ground. The firefighter in this photo is over 6' tall.

Engine 462 is huge. I love that there has to be a light bar on the bumper because it is so tall. The roll up door to this station had to be modified so that this engine could park in here. Notice that it indicates on the grill that this is a high tech fire apparatus...well, was a high tech fire apparatus.
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